1 C 11 A 21 C
2 A 12 A 22 A
3 B 13 C 23 D
4 C 14 B 24 D
5 D 15 D 25 B
6 A 16 B 26 C
7 B 17 A 27 A
8 B 18 C 28 C
9 C 19 D 29 B
10 C 20 B 30 B
1. a) - The cockroaches in glass C died faster because there is not enough air.
- Lipas di dalam gelas C mati lebih cepat kerana tidak cukup udara.
- The cockroaches in glass A live longer because there is enough air.
- Lipas di dalam gelas A hidup lebih lama kerana udara mencukupi.
b) - The cockroaches in glass A live longer than cockroaches in glass B and glass C.
- Lipas di dalam gelas A hidup lebih lama berbanding lipas di dalam gelas B dan gelas C.
c) - The size of the glass decreases, the life span of cockroaches decreases.
- Saiz gelas berkurang, jangka hayat lipas berkurang.
- The size of glass increases, the life span of cockroaches increases.
- Saiz gelas bertambah, jangka hayat lipas bertambah.
2. a) - Increases
- Bertambah / meningkat / menaik
b) - 100°C
c) i) - Time
- Masa
ii) - Temperature of water
- Suhu air
d) - Time increases, the temperature of water increases.
- Masa bertambah, suhu air bertambah.
- More time, more temperature of water.
- Lebih banyak masa, lebih banyak suhu air.
3. a) - Blue litmus paper turn to red when immersed in orange juice because orange juice is acidic substances.
- Kertas litmus biru bertukar ke merah apabila direndam di dalam jus oren kerana jus oren adalah bahan berasid.
b) i) - Type of fruits
- Jenis buah-buahan
ii) - Changes of colour of litmus paper
- Perubahan warna kertas litmus
c) - Soap, Cooking Oil
- Sabun, Minyak masak
4. a) - To investigate/study the relationship between the time and the length of the shadow.
- Untuk menyiasat/mengkaji hubungan di antara masa dan panjang bayang-bayang.
- To investigate/study the relationship between the time and the direction of shadow.
- Untuk menyiasat/mengkaji hubungan di antara masa dan arah bayang-bayang.
b) - Decreases util 12.30 pm, then increases
- Berkurang sehingga 12.30 tghari, kemudian bertambah
c) - Size/type/height of the model
- Saiz/jenis/tinggi model
d) - The position of the Sun is different, the direction of the shadow is different.
- Kedudukan Matahari berbeza, arah bayang-bayang berbeza.
- The position of the Sun is different, the direction of the shadow is opposite the position of the Sun.
- Kedudukan Matahari berbeza, arah bayang-bayang berlawanan kedudukan Matahari.
5. a) - To investigate/study the relationship between the year and the mass of waste.
- Untuk menyiasat/mengkaji hubungan di antara tahun dan jisim bahan buangan.
b) - The mass of waste
- Jisim bahan buangan
c) - 630 ton
- 630 tan
d) - The year increases, the mass of waste increases
- Tahun meningkat, jisim bahan buangan meningkat
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